
文本/十六进制编辑器 010 Editor V8.0.1绿色中文学习注册版 注册码




文本/十六进制编辑器 010 Editor V8.0.1绿色中文学习注册版 注册码 下载地址:
         SweetScape 010 Editor Portable 单文件绿色便携注册版是一款专业的文本编辑器和十六进制编辑器,程序其设计旨在轻松简便地快速编辑您计算机上任何文件的内容。该软件可以编辑简单的文本文 件,例如 Unicode 文件、批处理文件、C/C++ 源代码等,不过 010 Editor 最擅长
本次闪电吧带来的SweetScape 010 Editor Portable 单文件绿色便携注册版是一款专业的文本编辑器和十六进制编辑器,程序其设计旨在轻松简便地快速编辑您计算机上任何文件的内容。该软件可以编辑简单的文本文 件,例如 Unicode 文件、批处理文件、C/C++ 源代码等,不过 010 Editor 最擅长编辑二进制文件。二进制文件是指那些可由计算机 读取,而无法被人读取的文件(如果在文本编辑器中打开二进制文件,其中的内容将以垃圾字符显示)。十六进制编辑器是一种允许您查看和编辑二进制文件中个别 字节的程序,而高级的十六进制编辑器(包括 010 Editor)还允许您编辑硬盘驱动器、软盘驱动器、内存密钥、闪存驱动器、光驱和进程中的字节。
010 Editor 的主要特色:
1、查看和编辑硬盘驱动器上的任何二进制文件(文件大小不限)和文本文件,包括 Unicode 文件和 C/C++ 源代码等。
5、功能强大的脚本引擎帮助您自动完成大量任务(使用的语言类似于 C 语言)。


1、 具有标准的 剪贴/复制/粘贴 功能,易于使用。
2、 支持二进制模板,使得分析和编辑二进制文件更加容易。
3、 强大的 DynaBin 数据引擎,使您能够立即打开/复制/粘贴巨型文件(大多数情况下)。
4、 更容易载入超过 4GB 大的文件(如果文件系统支持的话)。
5、 所有十六进制编辑操作支持无限制的 撤销/重做 操作。
6、 〔工作区〕保存了所有目前打开、最近打开和收藏的文件,并包含一个文件浏览器。
7、 大多数的数据类型都具有完整的 查找/替换 功能。
8、 〔查看工具〕能够使您方便的编辑不同格式的数据。
9、 强大的二进制比较功能,并能以柱状图的形式显示比较结果。
10、能够进行包括CRC-16, CRC-32, Adler32, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA-1, SHA-256和 TIGER 在内的较验和或散列计算。
11、集成了一个使用类 C 语法的表达式计算器。
19、能够在 ASCII 和 EBCDIC 之间进行转换。
20、能够以 十六进制文本、 C/C++ 代码、Java 代码、Intel 十六进制格式 (8, 16, 或 32 位版本)、或 Motorola S-Records (3 种类型)形式导入或导出数据。

SweetScape 010 Editor 8.0 中文版是一款专业的文本编辑器和十六进制编辑器,其设计旨在轻松简便地快速编辑您计算机上任何文件的内容。010 Editor 可以编辑简单的文本文件,例如 Unicode 文件、批处理文件、C/C++ 源代码等,不过 010 Editor 最擅长编辑二进制文件。二进制文件是指那些可由计算机 读取,而无法被人读取的文件(如果在文本编辑器中打开二进制文件,其中的内容将以垃圾字符显示)。十六进制编辑器是一种允许您查看和编辑二进制文件中个别 字节的程序,而高级的十六进制编辑器(包括 010 Editor)还允许您编辑硬盘驱动器、软盘驱动器、内存密钥、闪存驱动器、光驱和进程中的字节。

SweetScape 010 Editor 8.0 中文版具有标准的剪贴、复制、剪贴功能,易于使用,支持二进制模板,使得分析和编辑二进制文件更加容易。010 Editor 强大的 DynaBin 数据引擎,使你能够立即打开、复制和黏贴巨型文件,而且载入超过4GB 大小的文件也很轻松。所有的十六进制编辑操作支持无限制的撤销、重做操作。

在 010 Editor 的工作区中,保存了所有目前打开、最近打开和收藏的文件,并包含一个文件浏览器。大多数的数据类型都具有完整的查找、替换功能。软件的查看工具能够使你方便地编辑不同格式的数据。软件还具有强大的二进制比较功能,并能以柱状图的形式显示比较结果。能够进行包括 CRC-16、CRC-32、Adler32、MD2、MD4、MD5、RIPEMD160、SHA-1、SHA-256和 TIGER 在内的较验和或散列计算。


1、在本站下载并解压,得到010EditorWin64Installer801.exe安装程序和010Editor 和谐补丁64.exe










编辑原始十六进制数据时,010编辑器使用各种不同的数字系统,包括十进制,十六进制,八进制和二进制。每个数字系统都有一个不同的“基础”,用于将一组数字转换为数字值。例如,数字'246'可以被转换为基数为10的数字乘以2 * 102 + 4 * 10 + 6 = 246.通常,如果数字A的n位数字被编号,其中A0是最右边的数字,A1是左边的数字等等,然后计算一些基数B的值:
An-1 * Bn-1 + An-2 * Bn-2 + ... + A1 * B + A0
十进制 - 数字表示为基数10.数字可以是从'0'到'9'的任何数字。例如,在小数点153 = 1 * 102 + 5 * 101 + 3。
十六进制 - 数字以16为底数表示。使用所有的小数位数,加上字母'A','B','C','D','E'和'F'来表示数字10例如,以十六进制3d7 = 3 * 162 + 13 * 161 + 7 = 983。该系统通常被称为十六进制。
八进制 - 数字表示为基数8.仅使用数字“0”到“7”(不允许使用“8”或“9”)。例如,数字2740 = 2 * 83 + 7 * 82 + 4 * 81 + 0 = 1504。
二进制 - 数字表示为基数2.只能使用数字“0”或“1”。例如,数字10110 = 1 * 24 + 0 * 23 + 1 * 22 + 1 * 21 + 0 = 22。

二进制数字的一个数字也称为'位'。当8位分组在一起时,结果称为'字节'。由于一个字节有8个二进制数字,它可以表示从0到255的任何值。存储在磁盘上的每个文件都存储为一组字节。请注意,当4位组合在一起时(基数2),这也可以表示为一个单一的十六进制数字(基数16)。例如,二进制0101 ='5'十六进制,或二进制1111 ='F'十六进制。

几乎在任何地方都可以在010编辑器(大多数文本字段,检查器等)中输入数字,该程序支持多种不同格式的输入。通常,数字的格式被假定为十进制(一些字段旁边有十进制和十六进制切换 - 单击十六进制切换将默认设置为十六进制)。但是,其他格式可以使用特殊的语法输入:
十六进制 - 在数字之前使用'0x'或在数字之后使用',h',',x'或'h'。例如,'0x100'或'3f,h','d2,x'或'FFh'表示十六进制数字。
八进制 - 在数字后输入',o'。例如,'377,o'是一个八进制数。
二进制 - 在数字后输入',b'。例如,'0101,b'是一个二进制数。
小数点 - 在数字后输入',d'。例如,'123,d'是一个十进制数。
字符 - 可以通过在字符周围放置单引号来输入字符。例如,'A'将转换为数字65.大多数标准C转义序列也使用'\'支持。例如,'\ n'将被转换为数字10。

Little Endian - 在little-endian系统(例如Intel机器)中,字节首先与最低有效字节一起存储。例如,十六进制字节'2f 75 05'实际上代表数字0x05752f(十进制中的357679)。 '2f'是最低有效字节,'05'是最高有效字节。
Big Endian - 在big-endian系统(例如Motorola机器)中,字节先存储最重要的字节。在同一个例子中,十六进制字节'2f 75 05'代表十进制数0x2f7505(3110149)。
使用哪种endian来将字节转换为数字非常重要,并且010 Editor中的每个文件都有一个endian设置。当前文件处于小端模式时,LIT将出现在状态栏中,BIG将以大端模式显示。另外,在big-endian模式下,工具栏中的切换末端按钮将被高亮显示。大多数工具和Inspector都使用这个末端设置。要更改用于文件的默认端序,请使用“视图>端序”菜单。 010 Editor可以配置为基于文件扩展名自动设置endian(请参阅使用文件接口)。


包括剪切,复制或粘贴在内的许多剪贴板操作通常(但不总是)立即复制十六进制数据(请参阅使用剪贴板了解更多信息)。例如,打开磁盘上可用的最大文件,按Ctrl + A全选,Ctrl + C复制,Ctrl + N创建新文件,Ctrl + H切换到十六进制编辑模式,Ctrl + V粘贴数据。
其他文件操作(例如插入字节,插入文件,覆盖字节,覆盖文件和设置文件大小)也可以立即在十六进制文件上运行。例如,使用Ctrl + N和Ctrl + H创建一个新的十六进制文件,然后单击'编辑>设置文件大小...'。输入“10000000000”,然后按Enter创建一个大文件(注意:除非有足够的磁盘空间,否则不要尝试保存该文件)。
使用数据引擎获得的另一个功能是在所有操作上无限撤销和重做。无论复制,粘贴或删除数据的大小如何,都可以使用Ctrl + Z或Ctrl + Shift + Z撤消或重做操作。

如前所述,当大块数据被复制到剪贴板时,有时只会复制指针。当数据从中复制的文件被关闭或修改被保存时,实际数据将被复制到剪贴板。该过程称为解除链接,如果复制了很大的块,则可能需要一些时间。状态栏将在文件保存或关闭时显示进度条。 '编辑>剪贴板>清除剪贴板'菜单选项可用于清除剪贴板,从内存中删除任何大块。

010 Editor v2.1用户须
本节列出了010 Editor v2.1和所有以前版本的用户的一些重要注意事项。版本3和版本4中的某些功能已更改,本节应帮助描述主要更改。请参阅新增功能以获取完整的更改列表。


代码编辑器的所有功能都已移至应用程序中的其他位置。新的脚本和模板可以直接从脚本或模板菜单生成。 Printf函数的任何输出现在都列在“输出”面板的“输出”选项卡中(按Alt + 3显示“输出”面板,然后按Alt + 3或Esc键隐藏“输出”面板)。运行脚本后,可以在检查器的变量选项卡中查看任何已定义的变量。可以在Inspector的Functions选项卡中访问可以插入到Script或Templates中的函数列表(您可能需要使用选项卡旁边的滚动箭头来查找Functions选项卡)。由于现在可以加载多个脚本和模板,文件的执行方式稍有变化(请参阅下一节)。



从版本3开始,010编辑器现在可以编辑文本文件。只需使用常规的“文件>打开文件”命令打开文本文件,010编辑器应自动检测文件是文本文件还是二进制文件。如果010编辑器错误地识别文件,则可以使用工具栏中的编辑为下拉列表来更改编辑器的类型。另外,按Ctrl + H可在十六进制和文本编辑模式之间切换。有关更多信息,请参阅使用文件接口。

在版本3中,脚本和模板现在存储在Windows 7的以下目录中:
脚本 - “Documents \ SweetScape \ 010脚本”
模板 - “Documents \ SweetScape \ 010模板”


SweetScape 010 Editor 8.0 更新日志:
The following is an overview of the new functionality in version 8.0 of 010 Editor:
Different application themes are now available including dark and light themes.
Themes can be customized, created, exported and imported using the Theme/Colors page of the Options dialog.
A Portable version of 010 Editor is now available on Windows for running 010 Editor from USB keys.
New visual style for the Text Editor, Hex Editor and File/Docking Tabs.
Better support for high-DPI displays including new higher-resolution icons.
Tabs in the Workspace, Inspector and Output windows can now be rearranged and undocked separately.
Workspace, Startup page, plus other dialogs now show a list of files split into Name/Path.
The following is a list of all new features in version 8.0 of 010 Editor:

010 Editor now has themes which control the colors used for the application and how certain elements are drawn.
The default theme is a dark theme (Evening Sky) but a light theme is available (Blue Sky) plus others.
Themes can be chosen in the Welcome dialog when the application is first run or on the Theme/Colors page of the Options dialog.
A ‘Classic’ theme is available which is similar to previous versions of 010 Editor.
The individual colors of the themes can all be customized using the Theme/Colors page of the Options dialog.
New themes can be created, exported and imported using the Theme/Colors page.
Themes now control the colors of the Menu Bar, Tool Bars, File Tabs, Dock Window Tabs, Dock Windows, Tables, Graphs, Editors, etc.
Syntax Styles (for example for C/C++ or XML highlighting) are now controlled with the Theme.
Syntax Styles can be created, modified or deleted using the Theme/Colors page.
Background colors from templates are automatically darkened when using dark themes (see the new ThemeAutoScaleColors function to control this).
Bookmark colors are now controlled using the theme unless the Use Custom Color toggle is enabled in the Add Bookmark dialog.
New style for Find/Replace/Goto/Select bars and bars are now themeable.
Some UI elements can either be drawn using the OS standard method (called Native drawing) or with a custom themed drawing.
Native drawing of elements can be turned on or off using the Options drop-down menu on the Theme/Colors page of the Options dialog.
On macOS some UI elements are always drawn using Native rendering (for example the Menu bar and the Status bar).
The Startup page colors are now controlled using Themes.
Portable Version
A Portable version of 010 Editor is now available for Windows 32 and 64-bit as a separate installer.
The Portable version can be placed on a USB key and moved between different computers.
Run the ‘010EditorPortable.exe’ program to start 010 Editor (or the ‘010Editor.exe’ program in the ‘AppData’ directory).
Licensing information is stored in the portable directory structure under ‘AppData\Config’ instead of the registry.
The program asks to copy a license from the registry to the portable directory structure the first time the portable version is run.
Scripts and Templates are automatically installed to the ‘010 Scripts’ and ‘010 Templates’ directories in the portable directory structure.
All directories in the Directories panel of the Options dialog are listed as being offset the ‘($BASEDIR)’ constant.
No desktop icon is created and no extension to the Windows Explorer is installed.
To uninstall just delete the installed directory structure (no uninstaller is necessary).
High-DPI Displays
Better support for high-DPI displays on Windows and Linux and Mac.
Includes new higher-resolution icons.
Docking Windows
Individual tabs of the Workspace, Inspector and Output Windows can now be rearranged and torn off.
Tabs for the Docking Windows are drawn in a new style which is themeable.
A new docking menu can be accessed by clicking the down arrow in the Dock Header when the window is docked (not floating).
The docking menu can be used to Hide or Float the currently displayed Dock Window.
When docked, clicking the X button in the Dock Header hides all Tabs in the group.
The View menu now allows showing or hiding the individual tabs of the Dock Windows.
Commands were added to the View menu to show or hide all tabs in a Dock Window at the same time (for example see ‘View > Workspace Windows > Show/Hide All Workspace Windows’).
Allow Docking option on the right-click menu of a Dock Window now applies to that particular tab, not the whole tab group.
The position of Docking Windows can be reset by clicking the down arrow in a custom Dock Header and choosing ‘Reset All Docking’ from the drop-down menu or by using the -resetdocks command line option.
File Tabs
New animated reorder when dragging File Tabs to new positions.
Can use the mouse scroll wheel to scroll through tabs if many tabs are open.
If a tab is dragged far enough, it will be torn off and can be moved to other tab groups (an arrow shows the insert position).
New visual style that is themeable.
Better support for dragging tabs when many tabs are opened.
Hint text for the tab now shows the size of the file.
Double-click and drag on a text file to select by words.
In a text file Ctrl+Backspace deletes the previous word and Ctrl+Del deletes the next word.
Can use the Root field to set the root directory for the Explorer (only files and directories below that directory are shown).
Hide files that do not match the filter instead of just disabling them.
Removed the Refresh button as refreshes are done automatically.
Command Line
Can use -safe command line option to start 010 Editor without running any scripts or templates on startup.
Renamed -reset to -resetdocks for resetting the Dock Window positions.
Can use -install on macOS to perform installation checks (check if 010 Editor has been added to the system path).
Background colors from templates are automatically darkened when using dark themes (see the new ThemeAutoScaleColors function to control this).
New function ThemeIsDark returns true if a dark theme is currently being used.
Date formats in the Template Results can now be set to different formats (see the Inspector page of the Options dialog).
New functions GetDefaultDateFormat, GetDefaultTimeFormat, and GetDefaultDateTimeFormat can be used to query the chosen date/time formats in the Inspector page of the Options dialog.
Can enabled synchronized scrolling of the Template Results using ‘Window > Synchronize Template Results Scrolling’ (can also be turned on in the Compare dialog).
Added function SetBytesPerLine to override the number of bytes per line of a hex editor.
Fixed when using on-demand structs the endian setting was not being properly read from the parent.
Workspace, Startup page, Window List, plus other dialogs now show a list of files split into Name/Path.
Can resize the columns of the Workspace and the Startup page Recent Files list.
Windows Installer is smaller and faster and does not require restarting the computer.
The current Find Results scroll position is saved and restored when switching files.
Can set a different date or time format for the Inspector/Template Results on the Inspector page of the Options dialog.
Add Bookmark dialog has been rearranged and Bookmark colors are controlled by the theme unless the Use Custom Color toggle is enabled.
Can clear the search history for the Find Bar or Replace Bar by clicking ‘(clear find history)’ from the Find Bar history list.
When performing a Compare, the Floating Tab Group is hidden if files are moved to the main window as a result of tiling.
Save All command now skips over read-only files instead of showing an error that they could not be saved.
Can set a different date or time format for the Inspector/Template Results on the Inspector page of the Options dialog.
Colors page of the Options dialog renamed to Themes/Colors and can be used to control the current theme.
Individual colors are marked as bold when modified and can be reset individually.
Color changes are applied immediately in most cases so changes can be seen without having to press the OK button.
Removed the Style Options page (styles are now controlled on the Theme/Colors page).
Renamed Shadow Cursor to Inactive Caret on the Editor page.
Added a Separator Spacing option on the Hex Editor page.
Added Minimize command on the Window menu (Ctrl+M).
Shortcut key for Compare changed to Ctrl+Shift+M.
Changed shortcut keys for Show and Hide Workspace/Inspector/Output/Floating panels from Alt+(number) to Alt+Shift+(number).
Added -install command line option to perform installation tasks again (check if the program is added to the system path).
When installing and the program is added to the system path, a copy of .bash_profile is made before overwriting.
Fixed issue running 010 Editor from the command line on some macOS systems.
Fixed crash on macOS with QAccessibleEvent::uniqueId function.
Removed dependency on libpng12.so library.
Fixed some application focus issues on Ubuntu 16 when using Alt+Tab.
Fixed issue with local variables sometimes being placed in the wrong scope when allocating structs inside functions.
Fixed underscores were not being printed correctly.
Fixed some typos with the Writing Binary Templates tutorial.
Fixed a problem using parentof in a custom read function.
Fixed Atoi/Atof would work incorrectly when using a non-null-terminated string.
Fixed the Floating Tab Group was sometimes not focused correctly after showing it using the View menu.
Fixed when reloading a file that is in the repository, the repository icons in the File Bar were not updated correctly.
Fixed issue with the dialog size being too small when using the InputRadioButtonBox or InputString functions.
Fixed a Base64 import which was not divisible by 4 bytes could sometimes result in extra 00 padding bytes being imported.
Fixed some files were being incorrectly identified as Intel-Hex or Motorola on drag-and-drop.
Fixed a crash deleting a script or template from the Options dialog when none were installed.
Fixed a problem accessing the characters of a non-local string when the string is passed to a function inside a template.
Fixed updating the repository on machines using a proxy.
Fixed updating the repository on some machines when a directory was not being created properly.

解压密码: linholer


