
RJ TextEd 14.40 中文最新版




RJ TextEd 14.40 中文最新版 下载地址:
         RJ TextEd是一款免费的文字编辑工具(也可做web开发工具),提供了多国语系档让使用者下载使用。具有FTP档案传输功能,让你可以对选端的档案更加容易进行编辑。并具有时下相当普遍的页签功能,能够让使用者方便在多个档案间进行切换。而除了一般文字编辑器应该具有的搜
RJ TextEd是一款免费的文字编辑工具(也可做web开发工具),提供了多国语系档让使用者下载使用。具有FTP档案传输功能,让你可以对选端的档案更加容易进行编辑。并具有时下相当普遍的页签功能,能够让使用者方便在多个档案间进行切换。而除了一般文字编辑器应该具有的搜寻、替代等功能外,RJ TextEd 更提供你一些进阶的编辑功能,让文字编辑工作更加方便。

RJ TextEd 10.25 官方最新版


具有时下相当普遍的页签功能,能够让使用者方便在多个档案间进行切换。而除了一般文字编辑器应该具有的搜寻、替代等功能外,RJ TextEd 更提供你一些进阶的编辑功能

对于有程式开发需要的人来说,RJ TextEd还具备了自动完成、代码缩放、代码高亮度辨识等功能,让你写起程式来更加得心应手。


使用者们最关心的操作介面问题,RJ TextEd也提供了多国语系档让使用者下载使用。


RJ TextEd 14.40 更新日志
Chrome Preview
Updated component and libraries to version 79.0.3945.
Made some changes and fixed a few issues. Both SSL explicit and SSL implicit connections should work better now.
If the server certificate isn’t deemed valid during the validation process, a window is opened containing information about the certificate – allowing the user to examine the certificate and except or abort the connection. If the user accept the certificate – the decision is remembered and the certificate window is not presented again.
FTP profiles
Made some minor visual changes in dialog windows.
Document Views
Changed the document view layout. Views are now aligned in a maximum of three columns. Each column can have two views (top and bottom).
It may seem similar to how it worked before and most users may not see any difference. But some layouts are now possible, that wasn’t previously. The document view drop down selector should be more intuitive to use as well.
File open dialog window
Added a new option to add opened files to the most recently used list (MRU).
This is, of course, the standard behavior. But the option allows you to open files without adding them to the MRU list.
Added support for markdown files. Supported abbreviations are:
a = link b = bold bq = blockquote code = inline code snippet h1..h6 = heading. E.g. h2 = ## Heading 2 hr = horizontal rule i = italic img = image ol = ordered list pre = code block with language based highlighting strike = strike through table = table ul = unordered list @l or @l80 = create lorem generated textMisc
Toolbar button for Character viewer was added. Enable in “Customize toolbars…”.
Site synchronize issues.
Site synchronize exclude issues.
Minor issue in sites options.
Minor mouse cursor issue over auto completion list box.
Auto completion with array [].
Compatibility issue with WordWeb and default shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+W).
A few menu language issues.
Undo issue in column mode.
Run script issue.


