
TMG solvers for NX 1847-2206 Series Win64 2022-10




         TMG Solvers破解版是一款由Siemens PLM Software最新带来的一款针对Siemens NX 10.0-12.0的TMG热/流模拟(NXCAE_EXTRAS)模块更新,用于对传热和液体和气体流量进行高级建模。小编这里带来的是win版和liunx版,并带来ssq分享的激活文件和方法,需要的就来下载吧! 最新
TMG Solvers破解版是一款由Siemens PLM Software最新带来的一款针对Siemens NX 10.0-12.0的TMG热/流模拟(NXCAE_EXTRAS)模块更新,用于对传热和液体和气体流量进行高级建模。小编这里带来的是win版和liunx版,并带来ssq分享的激活文件和方法,需要的就来下载吧!
The Siemens Digital Industries Software development team has released an updated versions to module TMG Thermal/Flow Simulation (NXCAE_EXTRAS) is used to advanced modeling of heat transfer and flow of liquid and gas flows in NXSeries software.


NX热量软件提供热量传输解决方案,并且是NX Advanced FEM或NX Advanced Simulation的附加模块。NX Thermal可以模拟复杂产品和大型组件的传导,对流和辐射现象。NX Thermal用于解决航空航天与国防,汽车与运输,消费品与电器,能源,医疗,电子与半导体等广泛行业的热分析需求。此外,NX Thermal还可以与NX集成的CFD解决方案NX Flow一起使用,用于耦合热流体模拟。

NX Thermal延续了西门子在热仿真方面的长期传统,并利用与I-deas TMG解决方案相同的技术。NX Thermal使用FE网格上的高阶有限体积技术来准确高效地模拟热传递现象。它将基于有限元分析的多功能性与有限体积方案的精度相结合。NX热解算器技术允许在复杂的热环境中模拟NX零件和组件。
关于Siemens PLM Software
Siemens PLM Software是全球领先的产品生命周期管理和制造运营管理软件供应商。我们帮助成千上万的公司通过优化他们的流程实现创新,从规划和开发到制造,生产和支持







它仅适用于NX-12.0更新的Thermal and Flow(TMG)求解器!


1.将ZIP文件夹“tmg”解压缩到<NX-12.0 progdir> \ NXCAE_EXTRAS \并覆盖原始文件夹



 What's new in this release
TMG Version 2019.1.17
** Bug
* [TF-4632] - Parallel flow solver fatal errors: At least one NaN has been detected in the solution vector of DEL_ENTHALPY / TKE_DELTA
* [TF-5152] - Validation case VVF4 (Power-Law) - degradation in results
* [TF-6027] - Coupled thermal-flow model that requires a large size of memory to allocate fails at initialization
* [TF-7226] - Investigate QUICK advection scheme for the turbulence equations
* [TF-7859] - Fan Curve Operating Point Summary is not printed to the log file when the parallel flow solver is used
* [TF-7971] - Wrong increments and misplaced thermal results when the coupling time option is structural time step, solution step end time, or user-specified time step, and the step's output flag is all coupling times for MP Thermal-Flow-Structural
* [TF-7992] - Wrong mass flow rates in htm report at an intermediate location along a pipe when the cross section plane coincides with element faces
TMG Version 2019.2.16
** Bug
* [TF-6367] - Fluid plugin QA's fail due to compiler version mismatch
* [TF-8353] - Femap: Boundary condition mapping fails for long file paths
* [TF-8477] - FSI simulation with thin boundary layer mesh produces no displacement and no transfer force
* [TF-8577] - Large MP thermal-structural model crashes analyz.exe while performing results postprocessing
* [TF-8593] - Parallel flow solver errors out for a pressure rise inlet with specified external absolute pressure
* [TF-8637] - Incorrect FACE_SET_AREA values in flow.ibd file for IBM models with multiple octree meshes
* [TF-8643] - Thermal/flow solver crashes when the parallel configuration file contains an invalid computer name
* [TF-8672] - Parallel flow solver crashes for a multi-enclosure model containing an immiscible fluid mixture and a pure substance fluid
* [TF-8698] - Weighted-average values are incorrectly computed for 3D flow data report
* [TF-8721] - Coupled thermal/flow solution hangs in the first iteration if no convection couplings from solid to fluid are present
* [TF-8761] - A screen that overlaps both the primary and secondary regions of a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO should produce a fatal error instead of a crash
* [TF-8762] - An internal fan that overlaps both the primary and secondary regions of a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO should produce a more descriptive fatal error
* [TF-8780] - Implement a fatal error when a Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO is defined at the interface of a Moving Frame of Reference SSSO
* [TF-8836] - The Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing SSSO is not properly supported in the Simcenter 3D Multiphysics solver environment
** New Feature
* [TF-8657] - Migrate changes in xana2action and xana2printout down to NX12


