
Siemens PLM NX(ug nx12)12.0.2 MP14 中文 升级包+补丁




         Siemens PLM NX 12破解版是一款功能强大的交互式 CAD/CAM(计算机辅助设计与计算机辅助制造)系统,模具行业的三维设计提供了有力的支持。软件的功能非常强大,使用可为用户提供专业的工业设计辅助,它涵盖了产品设计、加工过程的整个流程,并提供了数字化造型和验证,帮
Siemens PLM NX 12破解版是一款功能强大的交互式 CAD/CAM(计算机辅助设计与计算机辅助制造)系统,模具行业的三维设计提供了有力的支持。软件的功能非常强大,使用可为用户提供专业的工业设计辅助,它涵盖了产品设计、加工过程的整个流程,并提供了数字化造型和验证,帮助用户快速创建各种复杂的实体产品和造型的构建,从概念设计到工程和制造,它提供了完整的工具来协调学科,保持数据完整性和设计意图,并简化整个过程。Siemens NX软件(NX 12)通过Convergent Modeling实现了数字产品开发的下一个重大突破,Convergent Modeling是一种全新的建模范例,极大地简化了使用由小平面,曲面和实体组合组成的几何体的能力,需要耗时的数据转换。Convergent Modeling是同类产品中的第一项技术,它将帮助工程师优化3D打印的零件设计,加快整体设计过程,并使逆向工程成为产品设计中更为常见和有效的实践。此外,NX 11还在整个计算机辅助设计,制造和工程(CAD / CAM / CAE)解决方案中提供了多项增强功能,例如下一代3D CAE,由新发布的Simcenter 3D软件提供支持,本次小编带来的是Siemens PLM NX 12最新破解版,含升级补丁,破解文件,有需要的朋友不要错过了!




3、首先我们需要下载并安装NX-12.0.2(NX 12.0 MR2)Win64

5、以上操作完成后,回到安装包中,将_SolidSQUAD_破解文件夹中的文件复到<NX 12.0 progdir>(默认为C:\ Program Files \ Siemens \ NX 12.0 \)点击替换目标中的文件即可


1、Siiuemens NX制造能力的增强包括集中在机械和模具设计的新功能或扩展功能
例如针对机床和重型设备部件生产优化的 NC 程序设计,以及整合了模具设计自动化与基于 CAE 的验证工具的改进功能。
3、NX CAM 针对机床和重型设备的增强功能通过全新自动化的、针对特定情境的功能,扩展了现有的 CAD/CAM 、编程自动化和整合的机械工具仿真能力, 从而简化了为加工部件生成智能工具路径的过程。
4、N X CAM 提供基于体积的新型 2.5D 铣削操作,提高了程序设计,并能够在多环节机械加工流程中对未切削材料进行自动跟踪,加快了针对多部件设置的编程自动化的速度。由此可见, NX CAM 是机械加工行业首选的快速、高精度加工解决方案。
5、Siemens NX 在产品设计方面的增强功能包括更强大且更高效的建模、制图和验证解决方案,以及有利于做出更明智设计决策的扩展性 HD3D 支持。


2、扩展的HD3D和设计验证工具提供了增强的交互功能、更强大的报告功能、以及对更多来源 PLM 信息的强化视觉演示功能。标准的 HD3D 功能目前可提供一个视觉效果丰富且更加灵活的反馈环境,有助于用户进行快速定位、诊断和锁定问题的症结,确保设计遵从标准并满足要求。
4、Siemens NX中的特征建模得到了多方面的加强,包括在创建阵列中更多的灵活性和可控性。更多的阵列模式也可被创作出来,包括直线、多边形、引导曲线、参照物和圆形螺旋。用户现在可以用某个特征阵列填充至指定的边界,在线性布局中创造对称阵列和更多图形。
5、UG NX12.0新增“自适应”铣削高速加工命令:这是一个全新的命令,开粗用,重切削,对于编程加工的朋友来说是很实用的一个功能。自适应设置可以有两种方式加工,【继续自适应模式】和【带螺旋运动切削】。应命令在垂直于固定轴的平面切削层使用自适应切削模式对一定量的材料进行粗加工,同时维持刀具进刀一致。 这个命令以属于粗加工命令,同样要定义部件和毛坯几何体,使用的时候建议用于需要考虑延迟刀具和机床寿命的高速加工。


NX 12.0.2维护包13-日期:2019年12月11日
9644154 安装NX后,MP13加载组件带来了SOA问题
9644411 无法用NX12.0.2的MP13打开任何现有的UGMaster
9646939 无法使用NX12打开装配零件 NX 12.0.2中的TC 10.1.7管理的
.02.MP13 9647024 Dispatcher JT nxtransdirect故障MP13
无 启用了基于NX价值的许可(令牌许可),从而提供了运行NX Design附加模块的灵活性,这些模块扩展了NX Mach核心软件包的功能。
Maintenance Pack 13 for NX 12.0.2 - Date: 21 November 2019
7620543 MSH Profiles gives for both Ends MK_End attribute same value
8421823 Not able to use comma in entry for reusable object auxiliary file
8425459 Creation_Date attr changed from Date to Date+Time on assembly load opt menu OK
8425795 Unable to generate Tool Path - NX12 stops working
8426831 TC mapped attribute linked to expression broken when item type changed in reuse
9025770 IPW as blank and mirrored operation
9164907 When using the remeasure option in Inspector the RMEAS statement is ignored
9170699 Work instruction error after editing the templates in non-English Excel
9204124 Part cannot be saved after the feature elements are updated
9257661 IPW transfer not possible with mirrored operations
9279460 Tool Tip Junction has not the correct Position when NX-Tooltype is 02;16
9302743 Date attribute sometimes just contain date sometimes also include time
9315493 Internal Error Memory access violation
9335520 NX Drafting: cannot break view alignment - internal memory access violation
9336046 new family member created without parents status after update to MP10
9396889 Poor Gouge Check performance on Hole Mill operations
9406238 MRL command Create Setup Sheets puts hidden revolve bodies into drawing
9432648 Autoassembly fails to set correct ToolTipJunction
9443727 UDEs not being output to toolpath from operations in SE CAM PRO NX12
9445204 Part Family Member Ownership Template does not work
9449370 Improve assembly Load performance for large assembly
9484201 NX session with MRL native connect gets unstable
9494692 MRL - how to ignore the spinning geometry in automatic setup sheet creation
9508184 The same message is displayed when running Collision Avoidance multiple times.
9508520 Performance issue when editing part family in managed mode
9508878 Save Workpiece As operation in Manufacturing fails with Exception Error
9516230 No dmis file is created when running a CMM Inspection simulation using NX Open
9519836 Toolpath verify with grooving tools visualization is wrong
9520190 TC mapped attribute linked to expression broken when item type changed in reuse
9521206 MRL: ToolTipJunction set by Autoassembly is not correct
9521870 Internal error: memory access violation using MRL Connect
9522522 MRL: Tool Tip position from Auto-Assembly is wrong
9537170 Dynamic LOV more 2000 values are not displayed in Item Creation Window
9540636 Selection performance is very slow with large assembly.
9541431 Incorrect IPW calculated
9542256 Part cannot be saved after deleting CAM-features
9545184 NX Drawing Dim. placement using Perpendicular method reflecting wrong value
9547413 Memory Access Violation
9551743 Internal error: memory access violation while placing the pipe from reuse library
9551914 Replace Component clones PTS Template
9553991 Ship Structure Basic Design Weight not correct
9554230 Copy a tabular note changes formatting into NX ANSI Symbols
9560741 Date comes with Time stamp in Note in NX drawing
9566638 The Inset option of Flange command is invalid.
9567657 CAM Template file fails to open - internal error: memory access violation
9567798 Change Geometry in CAM Operation - using ExplorerView - Internal Memory Access
9570129 Edit an expression results in changes in a hole using a measure expression
9570722 An internal error occurs when [View Alignment] is executed
9572195 Resulting Status of Mirrored Operations Incorrect
9572731 PART_OFF: Wrong IPW with a Turning Groove Tool
9573569 Graphic error using GroovingTool with 2 tracking points
9573860 NX errors after deleting and moving coordinate systems
9578283 Inherited PMI Custom Symbol from Modeling raises internal error on scale update
9579040 Incorrect 3D material removal with grooving tools
9581263 Can’t open part Internal error: memory access violation in NX1880
9584425 4GD: Unable to Load Collaborative Design
9586564 NXMGR: MP9 to MP4 - An attempt was made to associate an object with a second
9588483 Variable Streamline - error Workpiece
9588485 Internal error: memory access violation when opening two specific parts
9590107 Safe Clearance Distance values are dismissed when using NX Open for Java
9592663 Spindle speed RPM is incorrectly set to Zero
9593959 Error after closing native MRL connect NX session
9601517 Assembly Sequence - Move handles causes error
9605556 Diagnostics Information not stored when Generated Lathe Operation
9608876 Request backport for PR9443727 Fix
9611634 NX Drawing Border format showing date and time
9622531 NX - Could not open PRT: memory access violation
9628847 Assembly Sequence Move Handles disregards current component orientation
UG NX12.rar


